Sunday, November 26, 2017

St. Louis Review publishes obituary for Sr. Mary Antona Ebo, FSM, an African-American sister involved, early, in the civil rights movement.

She was 93 years old.  In 1946, she was one of the first three African-American women to enter the Franciscan Sisters of Mary, or, Sisters of St. Mary, organization.

She was a pastoral associate at St. Nicholas Church, St. Louis - .

She died November 11, 2017.

On December 11, 2005, twelve years ago, in another thirty days:  David Exposito, of Kansas City, was shot and killed, at the age of 64 years.  This is his obituary:

This article was published in 2012, regarding his ex-wife, Clair McCaskill, Missouri Senator in Washington, D.C.: .