Saturday, September 4, 2010

Judie Brown & American Life League

The American Life League sent a survey, "Obamacare Health Care Reform" to be delivered in Washington, D,C. and to U.S. Catholic officials, that has five questions, with answers of ratings 1-10, and yes or no. This is in regards to the Health Care Reform bill signed on 3/28/10 by Pres. Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. His record, in 2010, indicates pro-abortion beliefs and activities in the White House and in the 'Obama' Administration. See: or write, P.O. Box 1350, Stafford, VA 22555. The survey is dated 7/23/2010.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Assisted-suicide reports

Reports for the states with legalized physician-assisted suicides (PAS), which are Oregon and Washington, have been done by the Oregon Department of Human Services and Washington State Department of Health, in 2010.

Reasons stated for the assisted suicide:
Reported incidents of physician non-compliance with the assisted-suicide law:
Penalties imposed for non-compliance with the assisted-suicide law:
Number of cases where the prescribing doctor was present at the time of death:
Number of reporting doctors who wrote lethal prescriptions in a given year:
Number of reported assisted-suicide deaths:
Number of reported lethal prescriptions written:
The Oregonian, whose newspaper is this?

International Task Force,

Missouri Hospital Association -

What is the number of individuals employed by Missouri's hospitals?
What is the dollar number of Hospitals' investment in community-based clinics for free or reduced-cost care?
What is the number of Missouri jobs supported by each hospital employee?